Multi-tiles 回転するディスプレイを用いた情報提示


With the recent fall in the prices of small and high resolution projectors, it has become increasingly popular to project images onto a screen. However, because viewers can see all of the images projected on a screen at a given time, the presenter is not able to present only a portion of the projected information. In other words, the viewers cannot look at a part of the projected information selectively: they must see it all, including that which they do not want to see. To overcome this limitation, we propose a presentation system using a multi-tiled screen. The screen is divided into 3 x 3 multiple rotatable panels and by rotating the surface of the projection, the presenter can select which information the viewers can see. We implemented a prototype system and confirmed that the presenter can conceal a part of the projected information from viewers who cannot see the projection surface of certain panels.

Naoya Isoyama, Tsutomu Terada, and Masahiko Tsukamoto: Multi-tiles: a System for Information Presentation using Divided Rotatable Screens, The 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM '15), pp. 14–18 (Dec. 2015). [ACM DL]

磯山直也, 寺田 努, 塚本昌彦: Multi-tiles: 部分回転可能なスクリーンを用いた情報提示システム, エンタテインメントコンピューティング2012 (EC2012), pp. 170–178 (Sep. 2012).

磯山直也, 寺田 努, 塚本昌彦: 部分回転が可能なスクリーンMulti-tilesの設計と実装, ユビキタス・ウェアラブルワークショップ2011 論文集, p. 13 (Dec. 2011).

磯山直也, 寺田 努, 塚本昌彦: Multi-tiles: 部分回転が可能なプロジェクタスクリーン, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第19回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ (WISS2011) 論文集, pp. 202–203 (Dec. 2011).